
June 24, 2015

How I use Laravel Homestead everyday

How I use Homestead in my Laravel (and non-Laravel) Applications I feel like I've been talking about homestead a lot lately. I feel like Vagrant is such an important part of a developer's workflow. If you are still using MAMP, WAMP, or installing Virtual Machines manually you are wasting so much of your own time (and your clients money) by not using prebuilt development environments. Homestead...

homestead laravel vagrant


June 20, 2015

Install Homestead into your project

I've previously shared a project I built that allowed you to easily add the Laravel Homestead vagrant environment into your project. My goal with the package was to give an easy way of installing the core homestead files into your project needed to have an isolated vagrant machine. I pinged Taylor Otwell about possibly adding this sort of functionality to the homestead application itself. This...

homestead laravel php vagrant


June 5, 2015

Mentoring -- Things I wish I knew sooner

I was recently contacted by someone who saw my post about being a PHP mentor on and was curious if I was still open to taking an apprentice. This was very neat because most of my outside-of-work mentoring (as an apprentice and as a mentor) has been very informal. I'm hesitant to jump into such a relationship because it really depends on so many factors. We need to figure out what...

community mentoring php


May 18, 2015

Using Laravels Homestead from your project

I love Laravel's Homestead environment. I've been using it since it was first released and have found it incredibly handy. I often use it for non-Laravel uses as well. It's a great PHP 5.6+ / nginx / MySQL vagrant box. With Homestead version 2, Homestead was changed to run from your home folder and it pushed you more towards using one Homestead machine for all of your Laravel projects. This is...

devops laravel php vagrant
