
October 28, 2016

php[world] 2016 Laravel Training Day Setup

I'm really excited to be going back to Washington, DC for php[world]. I'll be doing Laravel Training Day. I'm really excited for this because We'll be covering Laravel 5.3! To fully participate in the training exercises you'll want to follow the directions below. Please reach out to me if you have any issues. If you struggle with the Homestead set up you can skip that part as long as you can run...

conferences laravel speaking


October 13, 2016

ZendCon 2016 Laravel Tutorial Information

If you are planning on coming to this tutorial there are a few things you'll want to have pre-installed to make the most of the tutorial. If you want to follow along and run all of the examples you will need to bring a laptop running a current version of Linux or Mac OS. VirtualBox 5.1.x VirtualBox 5.1.x Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack Vagrant 1.8.6 PHP 5.6.x or higher (7 is fine!)...

conferences devops laravel linux speaking ubuntu


September 5, 2016

Madison PHP Conference 2016 -- Dev Environments with Vagrant

I'm excited to be going back to Madison PHP Conference this year to give a tutorial "Create Your Own Local Development Environments With Vagrant". If you are planning on coming to this tutorial there are a few things you'll want to have pre-installed to make the most of the tutorial. If you want to follow along and run all of the examples you will need to bring a laptop running a current...

conferences devops linux speaking ubuntu vagrant


August 31, 2016

PHP User Group Sticker Exchange 2016

I started a thread on the PHP UG Admins email list of doing a User Group sticker exchange and the idea took off pretty quickly. The idea is that user groups that want to participate send stickers to a central location. Stickers are then broken up into packets where every group that sent stickers will receive a packet of stickers from all the other user groups. The goal would be for every...

community php
