
June 17, 2019

Explaining Laravel Settler

If you view the of the Laravel Settler repository you’ll likely notice the not so inviting “You probably don’t want this repo”. While I try to be as inviting as I can across all open source repositories this one has always been a bit of the exception. The reason for this is because Settler has no continuous integration or continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline....

projects laravel homestead


May 28, 2019

Homestead Fifty Six No Longer For Sale

Homestead Fifty Six was an amazing learning experience for me. was an invaluable tool that allowed me to spend more time building my project rather than building out invoices and card processing. I also want to thank the sole customer who subscribed. The support from them was huge. While Homestead Fifty Six is no longer for sale, you can happily check it out on GitHub. I...



April 19, 2019

Shifting Homestead

No, not quite the Laravel Shift you may be thinking of. Shifting Homestead means we are taking some features that are currently baked into Laravel Settler and moving them to be installed on demand from Laravel Homestead as configuration items. If you don’t use these features you may never notice a change at all. If you are using any of these features you might notice your first "vagrant up"...

laravel homestead projects


January 28, 2019

Joind in Proposal and Next Steps

As promised this morning I'm delivering a proposal to the current and previous maintainers of the team to build a team to take over operation of the hosted service as well as how the project leadership should be structured with an emphasis of cross training and mentoring the next generation of maintainers. I'm honored not only by the many people who joined a random Discord...

community joindin projects


January 25, 2019 Proposal Working Group

When I started speaking at technical events and conferences in 2015 was critical in my growing as a presenter and speaker. I’m proud of the speaker I am today in part by how facilitated the feedback that enabled me to learn and grow. Lorna (a long time maintainer/contributor) announced that the team will be discontinuing the hosted platform due to the lack of contributors and...

community joindin mentoring projects


November 7, 2018

Adding MySQL 8 support to Laravel Homestead

My friend Beau Simensen has been doing awesome stuff building and streaming his work on He's inspired me to start streaming again and last night I spent some time adding a feature to Laravel Homestead to add MySQL 8 as an option. Video from the live stream:

devops linux php projects ubuntu vagrant


May 15, 2018

Getting Lucky With Crystal in Homestead

I'm going to open this post with an apology for anyone who's corporate firewall gets triggered by this URL, but I just couldn't resist the title. A few days ago a random internet stranger (Rid) showed up in the Larachat Slack #homestead-dev room. This is about the best real time chat support for Homestead. Rid proceeds to ask about building something like Homestead for the framework he was...

devops projects ubuntu vagrant


February 23, 2018

Laravel Homestead -- The missing manual part 1 -- Site Parameters

In the early days of Homestead there used to be a "params" option at the top level of your Homestead.yaml file. These parameters would be copied into the environment for the virtual machine just like you would set environment variables on your production systems. Laravel ultimately moved to using ".env" files and this feature was removed from Homestead. Some users pushed back and still wanted to...

laravel linux projects ubuntu vagrant


February 6, 2018

Homestead Welcomes Z-Ray by Zend

Since the release of Homestead version 7.1.0 and base box version 5.1.0 Homestead now supports the Zend Z-Ray plugin for PHP 7.2. You can start leveraging the power of Z-Ray in your application with a small changes to your Homestead project. First make sure you have updated Homestead to v7.1.0 of the Homestead repo and version 5.1.0 of the base box. You can check what versions of the base box...

devops laravel linux php projects zend zray


September 25, 2017

How to lose me as a customer

I have been subjecting my twitter followers to some rather cryptic ranting about DigitalOcean (DO) lately. I’ve been a DO customer since February 2016 when I moved from Linode to DO. I don’t do a lot with my virtual private servers (VPS). I host about 15 WordPress installations for various projects (Mostly family and friends sites). I run several command line applications that eat up a chunk...

devops linux projects


August 28, 2017

The importance of hobbies

Nearly all the programmers I know count programming among their hobbies. I always have; I was a hobbyist programmer long before I was a professional programmer. The cautionary tale is about burnout. When you spend all day at your day job doing one thing and then going home and doing the same kind of work burnout can start to creep up on you. In 2015, I had a pretty big burnout attack and ended...

community day job projects


July 6, 2017

Install and Configure PHP 7.1 on Cloud 9 Workspaces

July 8th I'm giving a general PHP training day at the Fedex Institute of Technology and because I'm targeting absolute beginners I wanted to use Cloud 9. Cloud 9 is an online editor that gives you a full linux workspace to build your project in. The first thing I noticed was the container Cloud 9 provides is running PHP 5.5. I've created a simple bash script to update PHP to 7.1 and update...

community general linux php projects speaking ubuntu


May 18, 2017

Open Sourcing Mental Illness Conference TV

The great nonprofit that I help out with Open Sourcing Mental Illness has an ever increasing presence at conferences. We've been stepping up our booth visibility lately by adding a nice tablecloth as well as the purchase of a TV to have a looping video playing on to lure conference goers to our table. Originally we played video from an iPhone or laptop via an HDMI cable. I thought there would be...

conferences maker projects
